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A Glorious 1st Sunday at JTOPNashville

A Recap of the January 1st, 2024 Service

This past Sunday at Judah Temple of Praise was a divine symphony of worship, revelation, and celebration as our sanctuary overflowed with the joy of fellowship and the presence of the Lord.

The service kicked off with a bang as our praise team led us in the powerful anthem "Let It Rise." The atmosphere shifted instantly, setting the tone for an unforgettable experience! As the song echoed through the halls, hearts were lifted, and spirits soared in unison.

A church choir singing

The choir then took the stage, delivering an awe-inspiring rendition of "The Battle" by Favord Friday ABC Choir. The energy soared higher and higher, creating an undeniable sense of spiritual upliftment that swept through the congregation. It was a moment of true connection, where every voice joined in harmony to exalt the greatness of our God.

Bishop Dr. Kelvin Leavy, Sr delivered an impactful sermon titled "The God Of The Open Door." With wisdom and passion, he illuminated the profound truth of God's limitless grace and the boundless opportunities He presents to those who seek Him. The message was not just heard but felt, resonating deeply within each soul present.

Amidst this spiritual feast, we partook in Holy Communion. This moment of reflection and gratitude for the sacrificial love of our Lord was the culmination of the display we had experienced that whole day! The gravity of the moment reminded us of the eternal significance of His sacrifice.

church commuinin

In a beautiful display of commitment and faith, we welcomed five individuals into our church family, embracing them with open arms. Moreover, we rejoiced as one soul took the transformative step of baptism in the name of Jesus! Hallelujah!

The spirit of unity, worship, and community was palpable, leaving a mark on our hearts. As we departed, filled with God's presence and renewed purpose, we carried forth the day's blessings into our lives, knowing that our journey with God continues to unfold. We are going through NEW DOORS!

May the echoes of this Sunday's service resonate within us, guiding our steps and strengthening our faith until we gather once again to praise and worship our God at JTOPNashville!


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