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Welcome to "Everyday Worship"

Kierra Bogus

Hey JTOPNation Family! Welcome to our Blog! My name is Kierra Bogus and I am honored to begin our first blogging series. I am a hard-working wife and mom of four. I enjoy traveling and my passion is crafting. I would be lying if I told you that I have always clearly listened to God when he spoke to me. Honestly, I would run in the complete opposite direction when I heard him speak. Was I wrong before? ABSOLUTELY! I invested so much of my time and energy into things for my glory, but writing has become a worship outlet that has given me so much peace.

What will we talk about?

The goal is to explore the ins and outs of worship in our everyday lives. What is worship? Worship is to ascribe worth or value to something. Romans 12:1 says, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." Take a quick moment to think of everything or person you ascribe value to.

How do you worship? Most of us would quickly think of music, but many times we worship people and things without realizing it. We unknowingly give so much power to these things. With unlimited access to the internet, the ability to communicate 24/7, and the crazy world of social media, our generation has allowed many activities to become idols in our lives. Don’t get me wrong, none of these examples are bad when done in moderation.

In conclusion...

Each month we will dive into topics that will help us grow together. I am confident that we can all live with good intentions, love like we want to be loved, and laugh every single chance we get. Let’s make today an opportunity to challenge ourselves to honor God in every area of our lives. Don’t forget, you’re nothing without LOVE! (1 Corinthians 13)

Until next time,


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16 commentaires

17 févr. 2022

This is amazing! Was blessed by this reading! Thank you Ki 🧡


16 févr. 2022

Overwhelmed with joy!!! Looking forward to This Awesome Experience!!! Looking forward to what God will say next through you Kierra.


16 févr. 2022

I love it already. So amazing!


Moesha Tatum
Moesha Tatum
16 févr. 2022

Love this!!! Looking forward to it. ❤️


Myyah Lockhart
Myyah Lockhart
16 févr. 2022

Absolutely amazing!!! This is already a blessing to me! 🔥🔥🔥

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