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"Faith Talk"

Kierra Bogus

What is faith? Yeah, we can quickly quote Hebrews 11:1, but do we TRULY understand faith? It isn’t about knowing what God is holding in store for you. It is our daily decision to choose faith, even when life tells us something totally different. It is looking at your future rather than dwelling on your past.

Faith isn't easy

Honestly, if faith was easy, everyone would be faithful. Sometimes we get so stuck on where we have been, how we grew up, awful choices we have made - but life isn’t about those things. We must know that there is beauty in walking through the unknown. That’s where faith comes in. God’s presence within us is the only way to reveal our true beauty. True beauty comes when you recognize God's Grace, which in turn enables your faith. Seems simple huh?

We love to say that our faith won’t waver, but can we say that in the midst of a raging storm? You could easily give up, but you have survived every single challenge so far, why not keep going? Choosing faith is oftentimes the hardest route, but it is always the best decision. I challenge you to be more active in your faith.

Next steps

Proverbs 11:14 confirms that “there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors”. Do you have a community of individuals who will push you to keep your faith activated? If not, join us on Sundays and Wednesdays in person or virtually.


See y’all next month! But until then, remember to always keep good company - because those who want to live right choose their friends carefully! Proverbs 13:20 reminds us to “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm”. Keep the faith!


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Mar 08, 2022

Awesome word Sis!!!


Tyy Grady
Tyy Grady
Mar 08, 2022

Yes! choosing FAITH has always worked for me. 🙌🏾


dawn howard
dawn howard
Mar 07, 2022

Love it!!!!


Mar 07, 2022

👏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 Thanks KB ❤️


Shelly Blair
Shelly Blair
Mar 07, 2022


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